
Brentwood Family YMCA


coaches corner

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Branch Announcement

Youth Sports Classes - Summer 2024

Summer Classes begin the week of June 3 on their scheduled night and time. We are honored to serve you by teaching your child fundamentals, and hopefully getting them excited about playing in the future. Please read this email in its entirety as there is important information regarding the classes.

What to Bring:
• Water/Gatorade etc. It will be hot this Summer, so we need to keep our young athletes hydrated. We will take frequent breaks to ensure everyone stays cool.

• For soccer classes: shin guards and cleats are recommended, but not required. (No football/baseball cleats)

• For Basketball classes: please make sure your child is wearing gymnasium appropriate shoes

We will focus on games and drills that teach fundamentals. Our staff will be organizing and teaching the classes each week; however, if you would like to help at any point, feel free to jump in and join them in the drills.

If you have any questions at any time please reach out to your site director, Nathan Goodwin at [email protected]

Thanks so much for joining us this summer and we look forward to seeing all of you.

Field Map - Crockett Park
Branch Announcement

Field Map - Crockett Park

Use this photo to find out where your field is for Crockett Park fields. Staff will be located at the blue star on the map.

Crockett Park Picture Schedule 5/11/24
Branch Announcement

Crockett Park Picture Schedule 5/11/24

Please use this schedule to find your photo time of your team. Please make sure to be there on time for the photos. The company does all individuals and photoshops the team photos from the individuals. They also use a post pay system that is all online so please get your photo even if you do not plan on purchasing the photos.

Make-Up Game Schedule Pictures
Branch Announcement

Make-Up Game Schedule Pictures

Please use this schedule to find your photo time of your team. These pictures are only scheduled for the teams whose Saturday Games are at Flagpole Park. Please make sure to be there on time for the photos. The company does all individuals and photoshops the team photos from the individuals. They also use a post pay system that is all online so please get your photo even if you do not plan on purchasing the photos.