Parents & Fans

Thank you for trusting us to be a part of your child’s development. We take that responsibility seriously and do everything we can to continue earning your trust. We’ve created this section to provide you with general information about our Y employees, volunteer coaches, and refs. We also have some helpful tips to make your Y sport experience the best that it can be.
The success of this program will be determined by Everyone connected with the Association to abide by all rules and regulations Ratified and Sanctioned by all participating members. Adults, Coaches, and Players must maintain respect and good sportsmanship while developing our youth and playing opportunities for our youth. Our Goal is to foster competition in a safe environment allowing our youth to compete and develop to the best of each child’s ability. Failure to maintain our composers, sportsmanship, and respect to all that participate could cost our youth opportunities in the future. Our program is associated with the YMCA to allow group of players to develop for the next level of play for the town or school they hope to attend. Each participating program has agreed to the rules and regulations, and it is up to all participants and attending to abide by these rules. We give all the ability to compete and build each program those refusing to follow rules and safety protocols will lose the ability to compete. Once schedules are set up each team participating is counting on you to play the games on the schedule, please follow the schedule as you scheduled others are counting on your word. Thank you for developing the youth of Northwest Tennessee.
Purpose of Association?
The purpose of the Association shall be to organize and supervise organized playing of Competitive football games under specialized rules and regulations in Northwest Tennessee, Southwest Kentucky, and Boot heel of Missouri.
Create a proper interest; develop enthusiasm for the sport of football, teaching the fundamentals, through practice, competition, and sportsmanship.
Ensure that all players are given the opportunity to participate in each game and develop to their full potential.
To encourage participants to maintain high scholastic grades in school and develop a compassionate attitude, while developing a good work ethic and good sportsmanship.
Goal of Association is providing each grade level the opportunity to prepare for their next level of football. Utilizing USA Football age progression allowing players to advance as far as their ability and desire will take them. That each participating organization help build our players toward junior high and high school programs in the areas they play in.
Membership to the NWTFA?
Players and leaders, volunteer adult leaders, parents, or guardians of players and leaders, managers, coaches, and board members. Membership is annual initiating with teams affiliating with USA Football by March 31’st of each year or at the conclusion of post season play. Membership for coaches starts with successful passing USA Football coaching certification as a confirmed by USA Football coach and ends on December 31’st of each year or at the conclusion of post season play. Membership for board members starts with placement on the board and terminates upon resignation, documented failure to perform duties, and/or removal by board action.
There shall be no dues or assessments for membership in the Association, except for fees charged for participating in covering cost of implementing the association. The Governing Board of Directors shall set the amount of fees annually. Each member or program/team is required to cover their own cost of equipment, uniforms, insurance, referees, supplies, and cost to run their teams. In addition, each team will fill out information and hold harmless agreement with the YMCA as part of participating in the Association.
Membership may be terminated by resignation, failure to complete payment of fees, failure to abide by rules regulations/by laws or any action that endangers the integrity of the association or any action decided on from the Governing Board of Directors.
Organization/Team responsibilities?
Each organization is required for team registration, collection of fees, coach’s certification, registering with USA Football, team insurance, upkeep of equipment, securing fields of play, and day to day business of teams associated with their organization.
Each organization is it only separate entity that elects to join the Northwest Tennessee Football Association. The Association is to aid in scheduling and stabilizing rules, regulations and policy to all organizations who decide to join. Each organization will sign a Hold Harmless Agreement with the YMCA recognizing its affiliation with the league. Those organizations that do not elect to follow requirements of the Association will terminate relationship with one another.
The Association initial responsibility is to those who join the Association. We will continue to aid other organizations and town to aid build the game of football. Our overall goal to get all local organizations involved with youth football to become voting member of the NWTFA.
What equipment will my child need?
At the beginning of each season, you will receive information on what is “required equipment” as well as “recommended equipment”. If you have any questions make sure to ask your Coach.
Helpful Tips
Here are some helpful tips to ensure you have a great season!
- Save the Coaches contact information and give them yours.
- Sign up for Weather and Emergency Text Alerts – We want to get you the right information at the right time. This is a great resource to help in that communication.
- Make sure your athlete has the equipment they need.
- Be on time – We want to honor your time and effort by providing the best quality sports experience we can, we need your help though. By showing up on time, ready to play, for practices and games it makes a world of difference. Picking up your athlete on time is a huge help to our coaches too. We understand that can’t happen every time. When those situations occur the best thing to do is notify the Coach via phone call or text.
- Make it FUN!! At the Y we encourage fair play, positive competition and family involvement. Every child gets to play so make sure to cheer loud!! (For both teams!)
Governance of the NWTFA?
The Government of the Association shall be a direct program of the YMCA of Dyer County and policy and program governess by the NWTFA Board of Directors. Team must adopt USA Football, league by laws, rules and regulations and programs to serve on the Boards of Directors. Leagues must also be covered by liability insurance naming the YMCA and its board as insured. Each team will have one representative and vote on the board once all qualifications are met.
The Association will operate as a Program of the YMCA of Dyer County meeting all requirements of the YMCA and its board. As a program it will function under the YMCA of Dyer Counties 501c3 operation, insurance, and direction. The YMCA will require each program to carry supplement insurance from USA Football insurance program covering the program and requires each team to be covered with limits determined by insurance provider.
The Association will affiliate with USA Football and require members to get coaches certified thru USA Football certification programs each year. All voting members will adopt guidelines from USA Football as requirement of membership.
The Association will require each town/team/program to adopt leagues rules, by laws, and best practices to protect their volunteers, coaches.
The Association will be directed by YMCA staff taking direction from the Association Board and take recommendations from NWTFA Board.
NWTFA Board will consist of one voting members from all organizations that affiliate with NWTFA. They will require all coaches to become certified and that they adopt all USA football programs with in their organization. Each organization will send representatives to all scheduled meeting and event. Each organization gets one vote on all Association matters. In case of deadlock or in action YMCA Board will dictate action to protect the association and meet all requirements of federal, state and local laws, regulations of Y USA and USA Football.
Removal from Association Any organization may be removed by a 2/3 vote of all members of the Governing Board. The YMCA Board of Directors and CEO reserves the right to terminate any organization that they feel does not follow guidelines set forth by the YMCA.
End of Season Tournament?
The Association and Board of Directors will layout and define the season and end of season tournament. Once defined the YMCA with aid of the Board will carry out the end of season tournament as developed and crown a Champion in each division in the overseen by NWTFA.
Proceeds from the tournament will reimburse all towns represented for coaches’ certifications for that season once the team participates in the tournament.
Proceeds from the tournament will purchase Board and Directors Insurance to protect the ones serving on the Board representing the Association.
Profits from the tournament will go to the YMCA of Dyer County to allow them to administer the Association a football programs for the Northwest Tennessee Football Association.