Coach’s Corner

Volunteer Information: Click on the document to learn more about volunteer opportunities available at the YMCA: Volunteer Application
YMCA Youth Sports eLearning:
We strongly encourage our coaches, officials and volunteers to visit the YMCA Youth Sports eLearning page.These eLearnings describe the Y’s philosophy on youth sports and offer basic coaching techniques including practice plans, skills, drills, rules and tactics. Click HERE to access the YMCA Youth Sports eLearning website!
Y-USA Sports: Click on the following to download and learn more:
Prevention-of Head-Mouth-and-Eye-Injuries-in-Sports
Coaching YMCA Youth Sports: Click on the following to download and learn more
Coaching Tips FirstAidKit Guidelines for Adjusting the Rules Hydration Tips for Children Remember Theyre Kids TeachingFitness
The YMCA Games Approach to Coaching
Injury Prevention:
To learn more on how to keep your children safe while participating in sport download the following safety sheets:
ACL_injuries ankle_sprains concussion_safety sprains_strains_tendonitis sun_and_heat_exposure
Specific Sport Safety Sheets: click on links below to download documents
Soccer Coaching Resources: click on links below to download documents
soccercoachesguidebook The rules on page 3-4 do not necessarily reflect our league rules.
Video explaining Offsides in Soccer:
Basketball Coaching Resources:
Go to this website for videos of skills and drills you can incorporate in your basketball practice.
You can also access practice plan examples and instructional videos to help you learn how to teach basketball skills to your team: