2016 Spring Youth Soccer

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2016 Spring Youth Soccer


Boys and girls leagues are formed by grade: K-1st, 2nd-3rd and 4th-5th. Division is determined by grade in 2015-2016 school year or the participant must be age 5 by start of session to play in K-1st Division.


Regular Season Games: April 9th – May 21st, Saturdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Location: TBA

Register by March 26th:
$30 Y members, $50 community participants

Team Registration by March 26th: $175


Register March 27th and after:
$50 Y members, $70 community participants

Team Registration March 27th and after: $200


Final day to register April 16th


Practices: Coaches choose from a list of weekly options provided to the Y for weekly use. This list will be available during the Coaches Meeting. Practices may begin the third week of March. All teams will be allowed to choose one practice per week. Coaches cannot request specific practice times or extra time until the Coaches Meeting.


Additional Information: Parents will receive an email update including specific information and location of the facility to the email address provided on the registration. Jerseys will be given to each player before the first game. A medal will be given out to each player at the last game.