Welcome to the Coaches Corner for YGametime. Thank you for giving your time and effort to help build local athletes, it’s no easy job – but it always comes with great reward. Whether coaching kids or adults, you are an instructor and a leader.  Check back often as we update this page to provide resources to help you be the best coach.

Rules and Regulations

Soccer U5

Practices will be on Monday and Thursday, 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM at Pineland

  1. The team listed first on the schedule is the home team. The home team should take responsibility for leading the pregame prayer and getting the game underway. The home team will have possession of the ball to start the game.
  2. Games will consist of (2) ten-minute halves. Break between each quarter and the half time period will be no longer than 5 minutes.
  3. The teams will not change goals after half time.  
  4. No score or standings will be kept.
  5. All games will use a 4 on 4 format. No goalkeeper shall be  used.
  6. Substitutions must take place at the midpoint of each quarter  or during half time. Each player is expected to get equal  playing time if willing.
  7. Players must wear shin guards. Shin guards must be covered by the player’s socks.
  8. Any ball that crosses a sideline or the goal line shall be put back in play with a kick-in around the place of where the ball exited the field. There will not be any throw-ins.
  9. All free kicks, including kick-ins, must touch another player before a goal can be scored. The defense must allow the  kicking team at least 5 yards of space in order to play the ball.
  10. Off-sides will not be called.
  11. Absolutely NO jewelry is to be worn by players during the  game.
  12. Coaches may be on the field during play to coach and encourage the players. Please limit the parents from entering the field.
  13. Coaches representing teams shall have the responsibility for officiating games.

U5 and U7 Practice Plans

Soccer U7

Practices will be on Monday and Thursday, 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM at Pineland

  1. The team listed first on the schedule is the home team. The home team should take responsibility for leading the pregame prayer and getting the game underway. The home team will have possession of the ball to start the game.
  2. Game will consist of (2) twelve-minute halves. Break between each quarter and the half time period will be 5 minutes.
  3. The teams will not change goals after half time.
  4. No score or standings will be kept.
  5. All games will use a 4 on 4 format. No goalkeeper shall be used.
  6. Substitutions must take place at the midpoint of each quarter or during half time. Each player is expected to get equal playing time if willing.
  7. Players must wear shin guards. Shin guards must be covered by the player’s socks.
  8. Any ball crossing the sideline shall be put into play with a Throw in**. Any ball crossing the goal line and ruled a goal kick will be put into play with a free kick from the designated spot. Any ball crossing the goal line and ruled a corner kick will be put into play with a free kick from the corner closest to the point in which the ball left the playing field. There will be no throw-ins.
  9. All fouls will result in an INDIRECT FREE KICK (must touch another player before a goal can be scored). There will be no penalty kicks.
  10. Opponents must be at least 5 yards from the point in which any FREE kick is taken.
  11. Off-sides will not be called.
  12. Absolutely NO jewelry is to be worn by players during the game.
  13. No more than (2) coaches on the field while the ball is in play.
  14. Coaches representing teams shall have the responsibility for officiating games.

U5 and U7 Practice Plans


Soccer U9

  1. The team listed first on the schedule is the home team. The home team should take responsibility for leading pregame prayer.
    Possession of the ball will be decided by a coin toss by the official.
  2. Game will consist of (2) fourteen-minute halves.
    Break between each quarter and a half time period of 5 minutes.
  3. The teams will change goals after halftime.
  4. No score or standings will be kept.
  5. All games will use a 5 on 5 format.
    No goalkeeper shall be used.****
  6. Substitutions must take place at the mid-point of each quarter or during half time.
    Each player is expected to get equal playing time if willing.
  7. Players must wear shin guards.
    Shin guards must be covered by the player’s socks.
  8. Any ball crossing the sideline shall be put into play with a throw-in from the designated spot. Any ball crossing the       goal line and ruled a goal kick shall be put into play with a    free kick from the designated spot. Any ball crossing the      goal line and ruled a corner kick the ball will be put into         play with a free kick from the corner closest to the               point in which the ball left the playing field.
  9. All fouls will result in an INDIRECT FREE KICK (must touch another player before a goal can be scored). There will be no penalty kicks.
  10. Opponents must be at least 3 yards from the point in which   any free kick is taken/ thrown in.
  11. Off-sides will not be called.
  12. Absolutely NO jewelry is to be worn by players during the  game.
  13. Coaches are allowed on the field during play.
  14. There will be an official for playoff games 

Soccer U12

  1. The team listed first on the schedule is the home team. The home team should take responsibility for leading pregame prayer. Possession of the ball will be decided by a coin toss by the official.
  2. Games consist of (2) 20-minute halves. Break at half time of 5 minutes.
  3. The teams will change goals after half time.
  4. No score or standings will be kept.
  5. All games will use a 8 on 8 format. A goalkeeper is used.
  6. Substitutions are done on throw-ins and goal kicks throughout the game. Players must check-in at midfield by getting the attention of the referee. Each player is expected to get equal playing time if willing.
  7. Players must wear shin guards. Shin guards must be covered by the player’s socks.
  8. Any ball crossing the sideline shall be put into play with a throw-in from the designated spot. Any ball crossing the goal line and ruled a goal kick shall be put into play by the goalkeeper from the goal box line. Any ball crossing the goal line and ruled a corner kick will be kicked back into play from the corner closest to the point in which the ball left the playing field.
  9. All fouls will result in an INDIRECT FREE KICK (must touch another player before a goal can be scored).
  10. Penalty kicks (DIRECT FREE KICK) will be allowed for fouls that are sided with offensive player that occur inside goal box. If foul is in favor of defensive player then goalkeeper will put ball into play from the goal box line.
  11. Opponents will not have a set amount of yardage from the point in which any throw-in is given. Opponents must be at least 5 yards from the point in which an INDIRECT FREE KICK is taken.
  12. Off-sides will be called.
  13. Absolutely NO jewelry is to be worn by players during the game.
  14. No coaches are allowed on the field during play.
  15. There will be an official for each game.