
Wilson Family YMCA


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Multiple Leagues

Welcome to our NEW Youth Volleyball League!
COED U12 (ages 9-11) and U16 (ages 12-15)
Registration is now closed!

Thank you for embarking on this exciting journey where we will learn the fundamentals of the game as well as how to work together on a team.
We are currently creating rosters and we will follow up with assignments and league details.

**If you are interested in coaching please reply to this email.**

A quick reminder:
Parents or Guardians must remain with participants during practice and games.
Non-members will need valid Photo ID to check in to NSOR at front desk.
Games begin week of June 10th
Practices are always from 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Playoffs for U12 - U16 will be played the week of July 22nd
Schedules will be posted the week of June 3rd at: ygametime.com.
If your coach has not contacted you by June 7th call 706-922-9624 to check our rosters.

2024-2025 Sports Calendar
Branch Announcement

2024-2025 Sports Calendar

Please check out next years calendar for all sports registration and season dates.